Paligo + Zendesk

Supercharge your Zendesk Guide Help Center publishing with powerful single-sourcing content reuse in an enterprise-grade technical documentation platform.

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The world's leading companies use Paligo

Reduce time to market with smart content reuse

Release and update your Zendesk Guide knowledge base in a fraction of the time with smart topic-based authoring and content reuse in Paligo

" What used to take the better part of a week for 3 versions of our documents, we are now creating 12 versions in under an hour. "
Sharon Burton
Technical Communication and Design Specialist

“Paligo has made our daily life a lot easier from day one!”

VP Product Management, WMD

Publish to Zendesk with full control

In the Zendesk Preflight you have full control over mapping your reused topics into Zendesk articles. Add, remove, update, even set status or ownership, right from Paligo.

Single-source content reuse

Reuse content at scale with topic-based authoring and component reuse, block content reuse, and unique text fragment reuse.

Structured authoring

Ensure your content is consistent and robust with open standard XML-based structured authoring.

Conditional content filtering

Easily make content reusable with dynamic conditional text and media. Filter content on product, market, audience, and much more.

Powerful variables

Variables are uniquely powerful in Paligo, with multi-dimensional variables, XML variables, translatable variables, and even image variables.

Painless migration of your documentation

Paligo has direct import from Zendesk to speed up the migration. You can even import from Microsoft Word, MadCap Flare, DITA, and many more.

" We’ve migrated the entire product documentation to Paligo in a record time. "
Sharon Burton
Technical Communication and Design Specialist

Get Started for free, you’ll love it!

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